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A member registered 81 days ago

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(1 edit)

Cool game!

A fun quick experience, I loved the boss-fights, as well as playing with the mechanics of FOHH (the pink dino) to overcome levels. Each mechanic is gradually introduced, making it quite a fun experience to play around with new mechanics like the whistle and super fire breath. It was a nice way to allow late-game to be more complex without making it feel overwhelming. Also, (spoilers for end) seems kinda fitting that you beat the game simply by proving mastery of a new mechanic (Grappling) rather than a final boss. It was a cool subversion, and gave a nice ending feel to the game while reinforcing its platformer genre. Playing without FOHH at the very end was cool because it acted as a proper test of skill and tests your self-sufficiency. Overall, I loved it. Awesome game!