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A member registered Nov 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yep. So now you have a lewd mod 1 (remind that a full game was promised) and you have to buy the "2" which does not contain the first 14 chapters, to complete the game.

Weird, huh?

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I get the idea but, dude, you're just changing the price mid-thing. You already have patreon, people will pay for full hd artwork and other things, there is just no excuse to charge again from people who already bought it. It's unauthorized subscription, lol.

You're basically selling something that won't be ever finished, don't you see this? 2/3 bucks is pretty OK for a game like this and I paid, promptly. 

But now you're asking me to pay again, and... worst of all, the 2 don't have the first 14 chapters, so... I'm pretty sure you'll end up charging people after another 15~20 chapters.

Again, not the price, the principle. I really enjoyed the game, artwork is cool and all of that but I just can't keep paying without a single finished game.

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I got the same issue, restarted using ESC. The "restart" is the way to go in the future. :}
Plus, the delivery angle is kinda weird, we can't see the girls answering the door. =/