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A member registered Sep 22, 2019

Recent community posts

Hey. Found out my phone only has 2gb of ram. If I got a phone, say a Galaxy, with 3gb of ram, would that be enough to run the game? Let me know, thanks.

Kool. I got rid of a bunch of good now. Still not used to smartphones lol.  So... I may see about donating..what would you need to add pregnancy?馃槣

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

(2 edits)

Hi there. New to this. I'm trying to play v7a fix on an Android phone. When I get to day 20+ the scenes slow down, and after day 24, it goes to the next day and then black screen. Is it my phone? Or just a bug?  When I re load the game, the next day comes up in the middle of a scene, then the same thing happens. I really like this game, but I wish it would stop dying! 

Is there a way to prevent this? Or is a new version on the way? Thanks.