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A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm gonna perfect this game at one point. My best so far is 388/391

(5 edits)

I got 34300, basically just have to get perfect on the beginning which gives you 32x and then just get as much as you can. I want to get perfect, only missed 11 that run

36760, 382/391

52480, 385/391. I'm getting it perfect.

44400, missed 3...

57760, missed 3

I'm done for today...

whats the unpause button? Im stuck frozen.

(1 edit)

Yeah sorry about that. Should I just take out the music?

Edit: Music has been fixed as of like 6 months ago

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I really liked it at first but its very buggy. Swings don't always hit. Enemies gravitate to the walls and get stuck in them. When an enemy is in a wall they can hit you but you can't hit them. Randomly selected rooms are really cool, and makes it feel almost like some sort of roguelike type game but without 50% of the roguelike elements. Still very cool though. I just think there's a lot of weird bugs. I mean, there's gonna be bugs you made in in a week.

Were not gonna talk about my game.

Best Game from this jam I've played so far. Only played like 5 but still.

Very amazing game wow.

(3 edits)

Works in browser pretty well now.

I don't know if this is allowed but my original game was horrible and making it on top of school and marching band and drum lessons and everything was pretty much impossible. Basically I already made this game a while ago and have been updating over the course of 2 years. If I get disqualified or whatever I don't really care but I wanted to submit something and honestly I think this game actually fits the theme very well. Even better than my planned game which I may submit eventually just because but its nowhere near done and doesn't fit the theme.

No I just copy pasted the Spanish guys comment. that's what he said.

This was awesome! Very difficult but I beat it! You don't have to because its probably hard but some sort of level select and main menu would be cool. I beat it and it just sends you back to level 1. But it's an amazing game!

I can't beat the first part.

It seems legal, unfortunately you can't get it, when you can buy it. :D

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Nice game! I don't have the money to buy it, but it looks awesome!

I'm stuck. Literally.