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A member registered Feb 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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wait until you find out what osu mania is

thats sussy bro

among us sus, get it????????

skill issue

Oh alright. So is that why there's so many land borders on the already discoverable places? e.g the nature area just has dirt walls, i think the financial area place has a tile wall and a sign stating the void. Will these land borders be taken away and the destinations just have huge areas between each other that you can tread through to find the subway at the other location? Sorry if that was confusing. Ill try draw what i mean.

(1 edit)

Wouldn't it be cool if you had a fight against like Dad N' The son-- or anybody, and there'd be an impossible song within which you *have* to fail? And then it would cycle you to the next song, but play the don't stop song, and you have to rap against kawaii or some ungodly beast ghost or some shit? And by rap against, I mean rap the don't stop against a ghost to come back to life and finish the next song.

i watched this video on it, for anybody that's still confused: 

yes its cringe, one of my friends made it

What? Is this purposely implemented? Also why didn't it discover it on the train map either?

My guy, you have to use eye lasers to snipe the target in the thorn box. I just found this out.