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Xialan Xiamia

A member registered Apr 08, 2021

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I recently got a new computer, and I have the old hard drive attached via USB which makes it so I have all of my things from my old computer avaliable, but whenever I try to go in to the game all of my careers are gone, every career from every update of the game I've had. I wonder if all of my careers are gone forever, or if I could somehow get them back?

Kannst du in "Microsoft store" hineinkommen?  Es gibt dort eine gute App, die "7-zip file manager (Unofficial)" heisst. Wenn du die App heruntergelanden hast, schreibst du: C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\, dann solltest du eine Mappe mit einem blauen R sehen, die "NGL-Biathlon-alpha-9-64(oder)32.rar heisst. Dann klickst du auf "auspacken" und dann musst du wählen, wo die Mappe gespeichert werden soll, (ich habe es mit meine "downloaded files" gelegt), dann sollte es wie eine normale Zip-Datei funktionieren.

Hi.  I've gotten this problem with the careers being deleted multiple times now. Is there anything that I need to check to make stop it from happening again?

Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

Hello game developers!

You've created great game but I have one thing that doesn't work for me,  when I downloaded version 8.2, all of my careers were gone. Everything else was still there [custom characters and more], just not the careers. *I still have the careers on version 8.1, but I'd like to install version 8.2 with all my saved careers.*  How do I import the careers from one version in to another version?