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A member registered Mar 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm about to write a paragraph, fair warning. It's because I like what this game COULD have been, but I have thoughts on how it actually is.

I'll start with, I like the colorful and cute aesthetic, and the overall idea for the game is great. I like the concept.

However, I feel like the game is being held back by two major things: WAY too steep a difficulty curve, and WAY too imprecise controls. While normally momentum in a platformer would be lauded, I think the slippery horizontal movement completely ruins the experience when combined with the unforgiving level design. The number of times I slid into insta-death spikes - because the levels required REALLY precise air-movement - was higher than I'd like to admit. I quit after a few tries on the first desert level because I realized I was NOT going to have fun if I kept going. If you change the air-maneuverability to be tighter, OR if you design the levels with slippery horizontal movement IN MIND, then I think this game would be far more enjoyable.

But outside of the movement, I think the difficulty curve was a bit steep. I think warming up the player a bit more would've gone a long way, as it would've helped them get used to the slippery controls faster and in a safer environment rather than dying over and over again and feeling like it was unfair.
I don't know if this was the intent, but the game in its current state is basically on the cusp of being a rage game.

With all that said, obviously this was done within a week and that's something to be proud of. If you continue work on this, I would definitely take a closer look at your movement and consider how you want the levels to be designed around it such that it's still challenging but also feels more fair.

Oh and if it wasn't clear, you honestly did a great job. I wouldn't have wasted my time writing this much if the game was bad. You've successfully made me want MORE of the game, just in a less rage-inducing way.

I managed to get to ~120 on the timer, and heard the song twice-over. Maybe not enough content, but definitely a good foundation!

Honestly pretty neat, for how simplistic it is! I think the tutorial could've been a little bit clearer, I didn't initially understand how to use the yellow power-up. I think it has potential as a fun little phone game!