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A member registered Jan 04, 2022

Recent community posts

Hi Runey, just only saw your recently post on patreon, glad you have become better, maybe it's a bit late but take care of yourself have enough rest, we will patiently wait for your game updates so don't be on a rush, and stay healthy is more important than anything else 

Ohhh ok, thanks Runey

I have tried enter kali room several times but no event trigger, is there a specific day and time that i need to follow to enter the room?

Hi can anyone help me with the Lucia part on how to get the rest of the score?

oh ok now i got it, thank you Runey. by the way, want to let you know that i like your work alots, can't wait for the next update to come up XD

Hi Runey, i got a problem whenever i click on the squirtathon on felicity in dungeon, it will force shut the game, is it my downloaded file corrupted? how can i fix it