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A member registered Jul 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really cute ^^

I loved the arts and music, wonderful game. For a moment when the music stopped, I saw the objects lying on the ground next to the footprints and I started to climb the mountain higher and higher to discover something I thought was going to turn into a horror game or something with a lot of hidden secrets, but it was really fun, I loved it!

Really cute, it was extremely fun to play ^^

lon! ona li epiku

Simply amazing, nothing better than being able to venture into a möbius strip, I loved the idea, great game!
What a great mechanic!! How I wanted more stages with different colors to be able to play a lot. Great game, loved it!

The idea is wonderful, I found the puzzles, especially the ones at the end with the mechanic of changing gravity, challenging, I loved it so much!

I had so much fun playing it, amazing!
The mechanics of this game are simply unique and extremely smart, I loved the idea and had a lot of fun solving the puzzles, congratulations on the game, it's wonderful!

A great idea of mechanics for the game, I loved it!

Even if there is still little to show, this is a great work, I'm looking forward to the continuation, I loved the arts of the only possible ending for now. Nice game ^^