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A member registered Jun 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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We didn't know about that bug, thanks for letting us know, no idea why that happened. Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it 💙

Yes, I'm from a small town near Lugo! :)

Thank you so much for playing! we are really happy you enjoyed it!

Thank you so much for playing! Sadly, during the doctor's scene the last subs didn't appear, we gotta check that. 

The first tale is about the Legua Dereita's crime. It happened during early 1900 right near my hometown and it went on to become the urban myth that I heard as a little girl. 

The second tale is about Allariz's werewolf, who inspired the Sacaúntos (like our own Boogeyman). Manuel was actually Spain's first serial killer, if I recall correctly.

The last one is about the most prominent figure of our imaginary: a Santa Compaña (Holy Company),  a procession of dead wandering and warning about upcoming deaths. While the other two are more regional specific, a Santa Compaña is known everywhere in Galicia and many of our elders claim to have seen it at least once. 

Of course, we took some creative licenses to improve the storytelling, but yeah, those are it :) Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again for playing!

Awww 💙 I agree, Galician sounds super sweet to the ear, so velvety. And Pablo, our voice actor, was amazing!