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A member registered Apr 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really nice looking game. As others have said, the camera moving caused issues for me at the beginning, but after a bit it didn't effect me that much.

I really liked the idea of having the dice be a resource that you have to manage, so you have to decide whether to roll a lot or a little for each encounter. Nice job!

Super addictive. The little text that pops up was a really nice touch that can help you get better at the game by letting you know what is and what isn't working. The leaderboard kept me playing for way longer than I thought I would. 

I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you don't mind explaining, what good moment did you have? It really helps to hear the good and bad points people have with the game so I can fix the bad and ensure the good points happen more often. 

Hey, I added some explanation to the page if you wanted to check the game out again. Didnt have time to put any sort of tutorial in the game and some of the game can be difficult to follow because I didnt have time to add animations to show what is going on better. If you do check it out again I hope you enjoy. 

I wish I could have had time to work on battle animations during the jam to give the battling a lot more polish. Just something to work on for the next iteration. Thanks for playing. 

An auto-battler was the original idea. And I don't know why I didn't think about just giving the enemies their own dice.  It seems silly that i didn't even think of that. I'm for sure going to use that for the next iteration. Thanks for playing and for the feedback. 

I'm definitely hoping to add something more that you can do during battle to the next iteration. Maybe something along the lines of abilities that you can get as you go deeper into a run. 

Yeah, battle animations and proper balancing were just some of the things I ran out of time for. Thanks for playing!

Clean, simple, and solid. Great job!

Clean, simple, and solid. Great job!

I really like the presentation of the game. The lighting was a nice choice. Only issues I had were a couple times not having a target with the rolled characteristics and the game kept going when all the other characters were dead and there was nothing to do while the time ran out.