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A member registered Feb 07, 2020

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Hey, sorry for not replying the message for so long but just wanted to let you know that i reinstalled the game and the mod(i used the github one) and then tried to subdue and the game didn't crash, thank you so much for the support! I really mean it.

But.... It appears i have found another bug that crashes the game.

This time is different, the problem resides in the new farm system. If i try to assign a farmhand or/and a farm manager and then pass the day the game crash, i also noticed that only with a milk merchant and a milk maid and without the two above, it doesn't crash, but it still is useless because with only these two i can't gain profict from the farm.

Hey, so far thanks for the support i appreciate it, i tried getting the mod from github but the problem now is different,  the sexual interaction now are empty and the interface now look like this.

I do have a backup so i alreadyfixed it, but still i tried all i could do, it seems the subdue bug it's something unwinnable for me. If it can help i noticed that if i can overpower the receiver, it wont crash immediatly, then it crashes as soon as i try another action or two. another thing is that it only crash when the receiver is not willing to have sex.

Will acting on the file: ---/files/scripts/actions/411subdue.GD help resolve the problem? Just supposing, i'm no expert in this kind of problems...

So far i tried replacing the scripts with the right ones, but the crash still happens; is this going to be fixed on a newer version?  I mean, i can still play without subdueing characters during interaction, but still...

Whenever i try to subdue someone during a sexual interaction the game crashes, is it just me? I tried searching online for a similar problem but seems to not find any useful information about it.

The mods installed are in this order: bugfix v6b, Arics Expansion, Constants, randomportrait