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A member registered Mar 11, 2020

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It's on Dean's route actually.

loving the new update so far

Well, his name is actually close to Oz so keep an open mind.

Yes they do actually

i found it already but it works just like the first one wherein Benson dies too

There are some other bad endings depending on ur choices and routes, too

The right password is actually the definition of Benson's death...well, just listen to Roswell

Will there be an LnL session on Harold's Day 35???

The first session was actually enjoyable that i even played it five times to see mostof the MC's classes for his character.

Also when will the next update come??? I'm very excited

thanks found it from Roswell

i got the password but benson still dies

pls help

Also False. I literally tried all the diff. choices and only one changed it

cant find it.

pls help

Try to listen to Orlando's words and don't follow him into the vault.

well there is a certain choice u need to make before u can kiss dean on day 6. it is one of the first choices u get in dean's route.


wait, capital or non???

ok i keep on getting the ending wherein benson dies and i get the bad ending even if i save the guys. also the last vault attempt has a password right???

if there is pls tell me, i cant keep on seeing benson die over and over again.

what is it???

i still cant find it

pls help

I'm pretty sure its the bad one since the best one, I've already seen.

i dunno if i want to see the bad ending at all.

When is the next update so far???

i finished all the routes in less than 2 weeks and have bee waiting patiently for the changes.

Will Harvey be visiting Dozer's house again in the future updates?

Although i am not familiar with Boulder, though.

his route is currently my number one fav as well! 

Aaannnnd you are Reggie, i'm sure.

i've played Chester's route plenty of times for me to remember that.

Wow, it sounds almost exactly the same!!!

try typing the names of the dateable characters. they have it too.

haha is that Maria?

wow...just wow

s does this means he has a pussy now??? just kidding!!!


u do reliaze March 16 is yet to come right?

jjust press ignore as much as needed and it will continue the day.

trust me i've seen it already

heheheh, i get that as well.

its a surprise the human or "Eric", as they put it, did not realize he was dreaming at all with him thinking the real bull is also Chester.


i do hope to date him soon.

wait the human has a default name???

how do u know???

i have a feeling it wont go well, considering Maria and all. i'll also send some bucks too.

oki doki

same here

huh, i was wondering about that too.

If you might be interested in looking for a darius piano song, i suggest this:

its a great song although its simple really.

(1 edit)

tnx. i wish there was an easier way cause ittakes a really long time to download again... and again... and again. 

really?huh, i wonder why cause i already had it the first time i downloaded this VN.

so why was gallery moved to patreon build???