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A member registered Nov 18, 2023

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(4 edits)

Good day Night Fox Works, I have a question regarding the translation of the game. I noticed that there are many mistakes in the Russian translation and there are no corrections for the character’s gender.


It looks funny when you choose a girl, and you talk like a man. I mean this:

Jane: Извеняюсь! Я не хотел подсматривать! Я Джейн Блэк, новый охранник!

Transcription [In these square brackets], read with almost no rules of the English language!!! [Jane: Izvenyayus! Ya ne hotel podsmatrivat! Ya Jane Black, noviy ohrannik]

Jane: I'm sorry! I didn't want to peek! I'm Jane Black, the new security guard!

And read this as a male gender, not a woman gender.


But most likely all this will be fixed, but sometimes it’s funny to see when the words look like this: Взломать [Vzlomat'] - Hack . It is misspelled in Russian translation. I mean, something like this: Взломать [Vzlomat'] - Hack or Взловать [Vzlovat'] - Hack. First is correct, second incorrect. I recommend that the translator double-check each other before inserting the translation into the game.


Of course, I understand that this is an Alpha version, and everything will be fixed, but just when the game leaves Alpha, so that there are no micro updates just because of the translation.


I hope that you will understand what I indicated in the transcriptions 😅