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A member registered Dec 31, 2020

Recent community posts

(8 edits)

Some Critiques:

Stumbling around when hitting offbeat (As in the non-rhythmic unintentional offbeats) can make obstacle-filled levels kinda unfair, as opposed to MRD where you just don't move. I feel like the whole offbeat mechanic should be improved upon. Perhaps instead of tripping only being a small leap, it could be a shorter and less accurate version of the move used, with the small leap being saved for offbeat jumps?

Having a tutorial designated for each character (With info boxes that pop up with little animations showing how characters work) would be nice, as I had no idea how to climb up walls as Lane until I watched a video. Having one big tutorial with signs that mention the abilities of different characters (Even when you're not playing as them) can make things a little confusing.

Mad Rat Dead but anime, I like it.

I hope the game gets mod & custom song/level support so I can play as Mad Rat while fighting demons in a lab.