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Thank you for the review! We were targeting ~1 hour playtime, which we deemed ideal. I get why you didn't wanna refactor everything, we implemented the move and copy functions to help with that a bit, but factories can still get quite messy and spaghetti-like. Happened to me quite a few times, heh, but I did manage to untangle everything in the end and I'm sure you'd be able to as well!

Thank you! At one point we thought it was a bit too similar to Factorio, but we're glad that the scaling twist worked out!

Thank you! The scaling mechanic was at times a lot of pain and bad code, but we're glad it worked out in the end!

Thank you! I'd be totally lost without the quests xdd.

OMG, thank you 🥹🥹. Glad you like it!

Thank you so much! The requirement to make 10 items is only with raw resource quests, but yeah, I get your point. We'll make sure to balance the numbers in the future!

This is so heartwarming, thank you! The splitter was one of the last machines to have been implemented so it might have received a bit less love quest-wise. I'm glad the screenshots helped!

Thank you! We're glad you like it!

Thanks! We're glad to have offered you a sneak peak into how addicting management games can be!

Thank you! When not sleeping, we made sure to make every hour count, hehe.

Thanks! We're glad you like the tutorial/quests (I myself would be totally lost without them lol)

Thank you! It looks like there are some issues with the music and sfx looping in the browser version. We're already looking into it.

Looking back, I'm quite amazed we were able to finish it in time as well. We kinda forgot about the trackpad completely >.< We'll look into how to make the controls more user-friendly and compatible with input methods other than mouse and keyboard. Thank you for the review!

Oh, I had no idea a mod like that even existed, I might looks that up. We were going for pixel-art style and IMO our graphics team did an amazing job. Thank you for the review tho!

That's so nice of you to say, thank you!