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A member registered Mar 14, 2021

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Very good, I most definitely wasn't in the credits section :)

(1 edit)

PS: I use unity 2021.2.1f1, But I am willing to switch to unreal or godot if needed.

Hello, I'm new to coding and gamejams, But thought I could improve faster if I participate in a gamejam, But I don't want to do it alone. I can do a little bit of visual scripting, and started pixelart not long ago either. My discord is


Let me know if you want to join me or want me to join you! I won't be joining any teams after a few days, but will still be allowing people to join. Thanks for reading!

I am also willing to use unreal and godot aswell, in case you dont use unity.

Hello! I'm also a beginner, Basically learned how to get a cube to move in unity not long ago, But I've been searching for some other people that are new to join me! We can figure out what the game should be in discord if you decide to join me, I'll be waiting! I can also do a little bit of pixel-art, I use visual scripting and 2021.2.1f1.

No clue how to do audio though.

My discord:


This has no right being such a good game.