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A member registered 55 days ago

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That's just wonderful! That's right! If you make the same sprite table with the flaming sword, I'll give you a virtual kiss

In a good way, it should go like this. However, I got the picture on the screenshot by modifying the program code, which is bad form

Please respond, is it worth waiting for a fix? If unfortunately not, then I'll go look for other characters

Есть ли возможность приобретения для пользователей из России?

These pictures show that when the character is reflected, it bounces around the center of the sprite, which looks extremely bad in the game

I'd really like to work with this character. Let me try to explain what I mean. Is there any possibility to make the sprites the same distance between them and make the whole sprite table square. Or what would be even better. Lay out each animation in a separate strip. The screenshot is an illustration of the problem. 

in godot 4.2 i use sprite 2D + animation player. When splitting the sprite sheet into 16 columns and 25 rows, it turns out that the character sprite is to the left of the center, because of this when using Hflip the character sprite jumps around the center. is there any way to fix this?