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A member registered Oct 31, 2023

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definitely change the jump into the orange/yellow area (assuming you already are bc of the comments and your frequency of updates)

(1 edit)

fantastic game, pretty unique gameplay concept. Also maybe im mistaken but I swear i've gotten the three followers with 15 reverance to unlock this one action so im inclined to believe it doesnt work? I've tested like everything down to getting all 3 followers to have 15 reverance all on the same moon phase

edit: finished the moon god stuff gg

really really good so far, other than it being kinda short I have a couple other things to note:
when you get the autobuyers and autofillers its annoying having your inventory freak out bc of things hitting 0 then appearing, maybe having the placeables in a different tab than the sandwich materials would be good or smth similar
knowing how close you are to unlocking the next set of items would be cool, either by a percent of how much money you have out of how much you need, or just like something that says [your money] / [money needed]

otherwise really good game, love the vibe of the graphics, kinda feels like game dev simulator, really intuitive upgrades, the menu allowing you to clear food and buildings is helpful, just wish it was longer

lots of potential here, keep developing this and I could see it becoming a gem in the future

how do i play

solid game! I like the art style a lot