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A member registered Dec 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing the game and finishing it as well! :D

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! And finishing the game :D

(3 edits)

"Do you know if your game engine can export to "nearest neighbor" rendering? This would give your game crisp pixel art, if that's something you want."

-my engine was GameMaker. On executable, the game have crisp pixel art, but for some reason it changes on html5 export. Will look into it when I have the time.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears your diagonal movement is faster than your horizontal or vertical movement, which is usually something you'll want to normalize."

-Yes, I was going to fix it but didn't have the time, so I leave it as "it's not a bug, it's a feature" kind of thing haha because level 1 is quite hard without doing diagonal movement speed boost.

"When you run out of pb and J the game restarts immediately. This is a problem because when that happens, you will move your character in the direction of your key press. Since that resource is vital to the game design, this should be addressed."

-Yes, I saw in your game that there's a pause before the player can move again. But for my game I should have put a "you died" screen with a button to press to restart the level, but then again didn't have enough time to do that haha, on the next jam will surely include quality of life improvements.

"The knockback from the computers is pretty weak, and if I hadn't read that it was a knockback, I might have thought it was a bug, and behaving oddly. Having animated electricity might help seal the effect as well!"

-This is a great advice, I will also include sprite animations next time.

"I think the game relies a bit too much on randomness for it's design, for e.g. The boss that threw bombs was challenging, but the challenge was mainly due to the amount of luck you had on the bomb placement. Otherwise, the strategy was the same each time."

-I made it harder in the center but with easier path, when the player realizes they can go the side of the walls where the bombs almost doesn't explode it will be easier.

Thank you for this in-depth analysis and appreciation for my game, I really appreciate it. And see you as well for the future PirateSoftware game jams :D

Top-notch art style! I also finished the game, would like to play more! :D

Woah! Amazing art style! And I for one have a strong interest on Cthulhu mythos as well.

Finished the game! Woah that was hard, but it was satisfying, would like to play more of this!

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Hi everyone, here's my 1st game I made it simple but with a funny story (at least for me haha) give it a try if you have time and hope that you can finish it. Thanks for playing! :D

Wow! Thank you for your kind words. Did you finish the game? :D

Fun game! I like the art style, it also reminded me of GTA wanted system haha.

Thanks for playing! Yes, in order to trap enemies, PNJ needs to collide with them. I should have also indicated that PNJ lose 5 kg mass per trapped enemies, and when it PNJ's mass reach 0 kg it restarts the level.

"The engineers remind me of the ones in the _Chernobyl_ series!"
-Yes! That's the inspiration I got it from, there's also inspirations from other TV series as well.

Interesting game! Would like to see more of it. The gathering is very satisfying. And the story is intriguing as well.

haha, thanks for playing! :D

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I finished the game! It reminds me of slay the spire art style. Would like to play more of this, so I hope you keep developing the game.

Thanks for playing! PNJ's mass should be bigger than Kevin's mass to be able to trap him.

Me too, I did learn a lot and had fun making it as well. I will surely join future jams. Thanks to Thor, the team, and the community :D