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A member registered Nov 01, 2022

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(1 edit)

Definitely a cozy game! Super intimate conversation — the game just gets better and better.

Super peaceful game! Although I only finished the game for one partner, I'm excited to know that there's so many other paths out there for me to try! It's nice to have an open-ended game — it feels rewarding for me. Can be a little tricky sometimes, but doable and rewarding at the end.

A well-thought-out game. Every detail, especially the colors and shapes of the characters, was well planned.  Seeing another red character at the end of the game even brought closure to me, as it was a clear indicator that I 'made' it (where everyone else from before was toxic). I also appreciate the color tones of each separate location the doors take you in, and how there's a consistent structure involved in the game's narration. (i.e. You can always expect to meet a new character in every location.)