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A member registered Jan 25, 2023

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this game is fire!!

nice game that jump scare got me good bro!!

this game was fire bro, lupin had me trippin tho 馃槀

Mr. Lupin Is VERY Weird And Unsettling...

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BRO THIS GAME IS FIRE 馃敟 me and frankie got beef tho..

this was a nice little game 

This game Lowkey got 

this game is fire!

third game, it was cool

game was alright, first game btw

good stuff bro. you got me good at the end.

Got me good ngl...3rd game btw

good stuff bro. U got me good 

Excellent game, u really got me at the end lmao...

That Jumpscare came for my SOUL

i like this game, wish it was a little longer though

you gotta finish this game 

I gotta play part 2 

Jumpscare really caught me off guard, game starts at 11:20

this game is pretty good ngl

nah ronald got it bro.. 

this game is just crazy… top tier for sure 

That Jumpscare got me GOOD 馃槶

this is a nice horror game

Game really caught me off guard. Great game 

(1 edit)

This game is so amazing, rip my boy mooshie tho.

Nice game, tent jumpscare got me good lol.

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Amazing game, wish it was longer though.

This game was strange... But still good