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A member registered Apr 13, 2020

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this game was awesome i was tripping out. I was actually pretty scared and i complete the game in a good amount of time  , i made a video on it and hope it does well so you can create more horror games in the future  , Goodluck with the rest of your games and i cant wait to play them!

Tbh i have to say this was amazing i was so chill in the beginning . I didn't expect nothing and all of a sudden i was scared everywhere I went. plz do check mt vid out if you want to see my reaction and let me know if you want to see a part to.  For a short game this was worth it!!

THIS GAME WAS AWESOME. I actually loved every bit of it . i found two endings. I got scared in some of the parts were the girl was chasing me lol. If you guys want to know the endings i got plz do indeed check out my video and my reaction when i got into this. Good job developer i'll definitely be playing more games you make , keep it up :) !!

srry i will be playing that game soon tho thx tho :>

If your one of those people of are crazy in love with this man.Then this is the video for you lol 

low key thiss was crazy dating this man was an experience lol.  

siren head low key is the best...

ooooh yeeesss

this game was an amazing experience I had fun dating siren head and yeah he eat my dog in the video and hates vanilla for some reason ,  but i really feel we really had a connecting lol.

This game is creepy and one of the best I can't wait for it to go on steam so i can play it on my channel. My experience to this game was amazing , There were good scares and was a challenge , the developers of this game definitely made something great and i can't wait to see more.  

 good job developers >3 

this game is awesome and i'm

going to be hopefully playing it on my channel . If people haven't played this game they really should , it was first experience with this game and i was just scared , words really couldn't explain to be honest . If guys want to see my experience check out my video and  Again good job developer !!

art style amazing but yet i felt more my skin was crawling !!!

This game was amazing keep up the good work developers !!! i had play this game to my video and put it to my 3 scary games.

ooh yeah

This game was amazing i had to make a video on my channel and show my reaction . The fact the game was all cool inviting  me to a game show playing along and then switch up out of no where had me so scared. i did screamed a lot at the end but i never got my 1 million pancakes sadly. good job developers!! on the game. 

This game was amazing.I loved every bit of this game I was losing my mind , scared , confused and was basically exploring the forest I loved the experience..!!! 

part 2 and actually the ending of a amazing experience i had with this game. I loved every bit of it!!  

I played this and its wonderful . I would say its worth trying out , I had to make a video of my reaction  so please do check it out .The developers who made this  game put so much and i would like to play more games like this that had the same creepiness in this game!!