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A member registered Sep 15, 2020

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I don't suppose you have a tutorial, do you?  I am trying to figure out what parts of the code I need for my keyboard controlled top-down game.  My hope is to use the Basic code.  I understand some of what I need, but maybe not all of it, or where it should all go.  

I have placed movement_and_collision(dir,walkSpeed,oWall); in my oPlayer's Step event, and have copied the movement_and_collision Script into my own project.  Do I need the General Helpers or Vec2 scripts?  Is there other movement and/or collision code I need elsewhere.  What I have done doesn't seem to work.

I apologize for my ignorance.  I'm trying to figure this out, and there are very little comments within the code.  Any advice would be appreciated.  

Thanks so much!

Looks like it was a problem on my end.  My anti-virus was interrupting some GMS functionality.  I've spoken with yoyogames and have resolved the issues.  So now, this file runs GREAT!  thanks again.


I just bought this (9/15/2020), and was unable to run it properly on GMS 2.3.  It loads the room background and all the GUI, but no character or walls.  Is there something I am doing wrong, or is this a bug caused by 2.3?
