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A member registered Oct 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Re-VERB wordgame community · Created a new topic Bugs

Found a bug? Let me now. (i can only test on my samsung galaxy s9+ but i can try to fix)

Post your feedback here

Thanks! We had some fun makin it!

That time machine would come in handy!

When we first saw it ourselves in reversed video we were like.. it actually works (insert partyface!).
Happy you got to play/see it.
Thanks! and enjoy the rest of the jam!

You were playing a actual 100% reversed game.

Thank you! And very true! Ive tried to play through it after it was done, not easy indeed ;-)


You almost have it correct :-)
Here is a playthrough video, which is running in reverse!

Thanks for playing!

Hi im a hobbyist Gamedeveloper on Twitch, and this is one of my projects.
Feedback is welcome, and if you are here just to play then a special thanks to you.

Thanks man! Much appreciated. I consider that a succes 😁👍

Best comment right there, its what i was going for :-)

Cool little game!

Thanks! It is what i was going for. Just plain wierness.

Controls are only left mouse and right mouse.

Yeah its not a big deal in the Netherlands 😁👍

Ah yes im sorry, i wanted you guys to go in blanc to get a maximum wtf moment.

There's only left and right mouse control.

Thanks for playing!

Im not really sure yet.

But thanks for playing 😁

(1 edit)

Glad you found the games twist 😁👍

Thanks for playing!

100% Correct!

It was very fun to do a proof of concept.

Thanks for playing!

Yay spin spin spam and fly!

Very well done man. Actually tried to finish it.
And Failed :-)

A idea that outside of the box, i like it!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and for the nice comment.

I realised the keyboard controls were mapped wrong after the submission. They work correct for a controller however. I have a update version ready. As soon as itch alows me to upload again i will. 

Great game, tho i suck at it :-)

Thanks Rainsong! Im really happy people are seeying the way the conflict concept.

Thanks Reeds glad you liked it. Thanks for giving it a spin!

I made it! Took me some time and yes raging induced as well :-)

Had a lot of fun with this one trying to go as fast as i could.

Thanks for playing iPhellix

Thanks Dev_onian

Thanks Geojax!

Thanks KimiNako, Happy to hear you like the concept.
Its true the screen can get very busy fast :-)

Thanks Zaplee, im happy you enjoyed my little gamejam game.
Thanks for commenting on the gameplay!