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A member registered Feb 12, 2018

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This was really fun and cute for a short little romp! The voice acting was a nice touch - it was especially cute in any of the scenes she talked while you were in her tummy. Would not mind more of it!

More of a "bug" than feedback here - but at the current patch (0.18), there is a bug where, with the limit removing item, if a character digests the Demoness, their digestion will be hard-capped at 20 once again, even after applying other buffs. This...isn't a huge deal, since 20 deals with every possible prey in the game currently, but it is worth noting, especially if a prey with more than 20 health, or a capacity variant of the Demoness is added later. (I'm not sure what that would even be, though...)

I think the balance changes have been very good - Making certain characters slightly easier or harder has made campaign feel a lot smoother, and the extra items help with that a lot too. There are still some preds that I tend to not pick often, but I think that's more down to personal preference - Juno and Aisha mainly. I think all the other preds are in a good place, either as a favorite or a supporting role. Even Lara being an absolute stat monster makes her useful in some runs.

Currently I think the only overpowered strategy I've found is multiple Shyla, along with several 0-1 cost Specials. I think costs should be hard capped, maybe at -1 or 0, but being able to essentially go through your entire deck for no consequences is a bit too good, especially with Plums or Digestion specials that allow you to profit points-wise off of it. This is exacerbated when you get the item that starts with 3 of your favorite pred in hand, since at that point you'd (almost) always be able to have 3 Shyla by turn 4 if you start with a 0-cost specials. I think being able to reduce the cost of really strong specials like Hypnosis, Wild Card, and Massage is enough to make her viable - Being able to profit, energy wise, is the problem, I think.

The only other possible thing I can think of is maybe adding 1 or 2 more "vanilla" prey at higher health:point ratios. I suppose Elf, Healer, and Adeline serve that sort of role - but I do find getting stuck against multiple Mais, Squirrels, Princesses, and Liennes can be a little frustrating, even with dedicated Preds to deal with them. Maybe I'm just bad, though =P

As of the current version (0.13.1) I've found that Mobi might be somewhat too strong. From my playing around, they (unsure of gender?) definitely seemed like one of the most consistent preds for getting huge amounts of points, since Capacity tends to be a more limiting factor than how fast you can digest.

This may partially be because of the foxgirl event making Mufi and Pemma appear quite a lot, helping them snowball very quickly, especially when chosen as the Favorite Pred, since being a 3-cost makes them come out extremely early most of the time. I would make the current stats the stats if favorited, and either make the base digestion 1 less (means they can't OHKO any prey without other buffs), or cost 1 to limit them slightly.

In general, I felt redrawing a hand was a little weaker than it should be in Campaign, since decks tend to be fairly lean and easily made anyway. Not sure how to fix this, perhaps starting the deck with a bit more fluff to make it a more consistently useful option to have.

Ayla also felt kinda weak when I tried to use her - 1 point per prey per turn is glacially slow compared to more powerful options that can get buffs from Mufi and Sachiho, or their own effects like Mobi, Mobi Cat, and Nexxi, who I feel tend to be better build-arounds. I might make her 2 points per prey, or increase her base capacity or digestion some. As it is, she feels best as a 1 or 2 of to throw disruptive prey like Princess into, which I feel should be the role of characters like Darya, Queen Dayla, or Catie, who end up being able to deal with more Prey like Squirrel, Lienne, or Cowgirl better.

Darya also felt a little weak, but mostly because of her difficulty getting buffs from prey - I think increasing her base stats by 1 each or something may help her, letting her digest a few prey 1 turn faster, while still requiring support to OHKO anything (besides the goblin, but I think that's okay.)

Catie I also feels like has a bit more digestion than I would expect for a 1 cost, but at the same time, her Capacity is so small at first it might be okay. I'm not sure. I haven't gotten her in a run, so most of my experience with her is endless which is...less indicative, I feel.

Game is really fun regardless of my nitpicks so far. I end up playing it just for fun now and then, so you've got something good on your hands. Excited for more updates =)

Oh yeah I totally get why there arent big portraits from a work perspective. Especially with how much is already in the game and the art you output on twitter, it's totally reasonable. Cheers!

I don't usually comment on games but I found this on a vore binge today and man, this hits just right. Amber is super cute and is Basically Just Me (and as other people have said, having trans reep in content like this that isn't overtly fetishy of the trans-ness is SUPER COOL), and Annie is also extremely hot holy hell I hope there's more content of her later in the game, fuck.

Also somehow I think this game might be getting me into burps when previously it was kind of a turnoff before so like, good fucking job.

Uh also the discord link in the game description is borked and idk if that's something you're not worrying about for now.

My only current complaint about 2~ hours in is I wish we had bigger portraits of the characters more consistently, partially because I wanna see Amber's (and annie's) tummies fluctuate in size, but also cause I'd like a better feel for the character designs, especially since a lot of them are actually pretty cool.

Really enjoyed it and I appreciate seeing the consistent work done on it. I definitley plan to give some to your patreon once I'm in a better spot - this is the kind of content I really want to support. Cheers!

I must be missing something with Reisen's mechanics, because I practically could not get past her with how slow it is to build up damage against her. Didn't have any problems with any prior boss, optional or otherwise.