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A member registered Feb 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh! That sounds awesome! I'll try to keep this in mind!

Will there eventually be a non-amiga version that can consist of LAN play? That'd be awesome! I love what ya doing so far tho, this is an AMAZING project! ❤

Ah okay, it's fine tho, thank you very much for your response and concern for disability, I'm fortunate to not have a disability like that, just have difficulty with playing games in that fashion, I'm more use to controllers.

But I think I'll definitely put some thought into buying the game someday anyways, Thanks a bunch! ❤

- Woofy

Is the game controller compatible? I'd love to play it, but I kind of suck at Mouse and Keyboard, and being a shooter makes it even more difficult for me. Thank ya!

(1 edit)

This game is friggin terrifying!! But I absolutely love it's freaky retro style, awesome job, seriously, I can't wait to play again and hopefully beat it next time!