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A member registered Apr 21, 2021

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Name: Accalia (Acci/Acca)

Kwami: Wolf

Gender: Fermale

Favorite Food: Cinnamon Cookies

Transformation: Let's howl at the moon!

Detransformation: Let the sun rise!

Superpower: Howl/a Song that hypnotized and makes incapable of fighting

Weapon: A sword which seems to consist of air and silver and sounds melodic with every moving (if you activate the superpower you can play on a harp to amplify the sound/force)

Miraculours: Necklace with pendant in the shape of a snowflake

Superhero name: The Spirit of the Moony

Nickname: Moony, Wolf Girl

Appearance: Black and light grey/silver suit with bushy wolf tail and small ears in the hair. Hair braided into a braid, simple black mask and golden eyes.