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A member registered Sep 21, 2022

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Bud why reply to me

They needed to remove the female one and I dont know why

You can you need main ingredients and secondary ingredients it's just a little buggy it's best to use one of each ingredient you get them from the forest in the lower left

If the game gets another update a good Pokémon to add would be absol

If this is going to get an update a good pokemon to add would be Absol

She is supposed to be a secret so she doesn't appear in the extras menu even though the glazed  one does

It is probably going to happen in the future wait a couple months or so

Yeah I know

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I wished the in browser version worked correctly because it actually does work on mobile from what I've seen you can close the doors turn on the lights put up the cams etc. The textures are  just glitched

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I wished there was a mobile version of this unluckily our pc died from having too much stuff on it and our laptops battery exploded