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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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This latest build was my first time playing the game, and I was very impressed! I ended up actually liking the gameplay loop, as bare bones as it is right now, without the NSFW themes! Entering randomly generated levels to fight goobers, collect loot, maybe even collect a helpful party member (and perhaps someday be able to keep a particular generated party member around long-term!), then go back to buy new gizmos and whatnot. The combat was serviceable and I enjoyed it a bunch! Of course there's still more to be desired in the NSFW side of the game, but I assume that stuff takes lots of time, and more of it will come bit by bit!

I'm gonna post make a lil' list of things that I think would be neat to be added or tweaked, and I'm saying this upfront so it doesn't seem like I'm griping. I've really enjoyed what I've played so far, and hope to be able to play even more of it soon!

- Defeat sex would be cool! If it's not your jam, that's totally understandable. If it's not SO not-your-jam you wouldn't wanna add it, maybe down the line it could be a setting the player would have to enable manually? (Keeping it turned off by default for more player comfort.)
- Maybe a hostile NPC could be pacified with a gesture or emote? If the hostile NPC is into it, they no longer wanna smack you! If they're not impressed, they just SMACK you immediately, lmao.
- As commented on above, maybe ways to keep following NPCs around? Be able to bring them back home, and dismiss them at will? Have a group/party??? Equip them with found items?!?! Sounds cool.
-I'm sure plenty of folks have mentioned this already, but yeah -- sex sound fx would be hot!
-Maybe a way to make "Offer Pussy" have intercourse poses instead of just oral poses?
-Shields! Idk if this is already in the game or not, but if it isn't, that'd be cool!

Those are all I could think of off the top of my head. I wouldn't want to just dump a billion ADDITION IDEAS that could or could not already be in development/too obvious on a post I'm largely writing as a review. Again, I love what's been made currently, and can't wait for more! Keep up the great work! <3