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A member registered Dec 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah i'm not even going to attempt

What's with people and platformers, it looks like an ok game but seriously could've had some other genre instead

Uhhhhh, it's something at least

For a one man game it really isn't all that bad especially for a prototype.

If you'd have at least 2 more people on your team you'd be able to really do some great stuff.

(1 edit)

Game: Interjection

Brought to you by: Maria (The Director, Game|Sound|Music Designer). Ville (The Coder, Level Maker). Lisbeth (Level and Sprite Artist). Saara (Sprite Artist)

Genre: 2D lock-on shooter

Short description: It is the 2040's take on the role of a bionically augmented agent "Delilah" sent by an anti-terrorist coalition and stop a big group of radical religious idiots trying to use psychic mind-control to convert Earth's people to their beliefs using today's technology!