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A member registered 54 days ago · View creator page →

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I really like the concept! Are there any actual fights in this, or is it just the tutorial for now?

Thanks for making these usable for free, it helped me make my first game, and you're now in its credits :)

Thanks for sharing these! I think I might have used them in every single menu in my new game, and several other things, so you really deserve to get people here from the credits. Hopefully people that can make use of all of it... <3

Thanks for making these. I've used them for some details in my new game, so you're in the credits now :)

Hi! I used your loading music as the main theme for my first game! Thanks for allowing this to be used. Hope the credits point someone towards your works

Hello! I've used some of your sounds in my game, and I credited you of course. Thanks for sharing them!

I used a part of your "Crimson Drive" as the title screen theme for my first game. Thanks for making these, I hope that my game's credits sends at least someone here, because they're great!

Hi! I've used a bit of your assets in my new game, thank you for making them.

These are amazing! I've made a little use of them in my new game (since it doesn't quite match the aesthetics I wanted), but I'm thinking that if I were to make another one, I would probably want to use just your assets. Either way, thank you, and I've credited you in the game's page.

Your assets ended up being very useful when making my new game. Thank you for sharing them <3

This is great! Thanks for making this free to use, couldn't have realized my first game without you <3. You're credited of course ;)

I've used this in making my game. Thank you for making it :)

Thank you so much for making these free to use. I owe it to you, otherwise I couldn't have made my first game <3