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A member registered Jan 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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Great graphics but I'm confused for the entirety of the game, there is no objective to note and no explanation for controls. I also didn't find any exit to the main menu screen for replayability which I found disappointing. Good start though, I'm interested to see if you continue it.

This reminds me of the Chilla games with the quality and theme but I love their games. I personally don't like playing them but you did a good job with the creepy vibes, I was just unsure of who the stalker was, maybe a more sinister design could have made him stand out more.

Was confused for a moment cause it's very laggy and no indication about where a space is or not to plant or water. I love the cute style though.

Beautiful particle effects for dust or whatever it was, but I found the game hard to play on touchpad. I like the slowed effect if you're continuously moving and the setting tab is quite nice too, well done.

Love the background but I wish more art pieces matched it. The gameplay is a bit confusing and difficult, especially with the portals but its a cool idea and wish I could've played it better.

Very original, but not for me like you stated for some. I feel the movement was awkward because of key placement but overall it works. the graphics for dying surprised me but was an interesting choice.

I enjoyed the mine sweeper vibe of your game, dodging obstacles and explosion radius'. My only confusion was for what exe file to load but I figured that out. Good job

The Game was hard to play with the items being too large to get through the door at the grab angle. My movement was also funky but I love the style of the game and liked the fact that the pillows flew everywhere.

Love the music and that you can change the volume in settings. I was a bit lost of what to do in the first level until after I read the description on the page, otherwise its a great concept.