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Wolfe Verikuu

A member registered Apr 11, 2021

Recent community posts

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Do you have the phone yet? If so it should have an app that lets you see details about people you have met. Including a rough outline of their schedule

The bar should be. Last I checked it was available literally the moment you got stopped working at the office building... In the semi tutorial thing

The bar. Winning circle or whatever its called. You get money for working there at night.

So the line about getting a horny fox thinking you might want to get bred and he might order you.... Was a straight up lie? Damn... none of the people in this i want to bang are able to be banged.

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Anyone know how to get gen in bed? Been told i need a potion, but said potion doesnt exist in either shop

Then how do i stop it from black screening then crashing with an html. Kinda hard to use the wrong file when theres only one of em. Literally anything loaded with joiplay crashes on my device. An apk doesnt.

You mean the application that doesnt work on 40% of devices? The one that broke itself in the past 4 updates?

Thats the fun part. You dont. Because joiplay doesnt work for 40% of devices, so devs that refuse to make an apk are refusing to allow mobile users. Even worse are those who just say to use joiplay like its the jesus christ of the programing world

You can apologize but I wont. The game is perfect for mobile/android and the dev refuses to even attempt A port.

Only time the game worked was when it was apk. That WAS joiplay that black screened then crashed. Joiplay doesn't work on my device unless its an html. 

Yeah... No just blacked screened and crashed. So i wouldnt exactly call it just fine.

Not everyone can use joiplay. For my android device its apk or nothin. So once a game stops making apk it gets dropped, with its rating

Yeah... They ain't there. Just spent about a month in game going there there between midnight and 5am (the wolfs time as far as I can tell) and nothin

The rat? It doesn't show up anywhere in the fight app, and the sewers have been closed since they sent me to find the password and won't let me in now that I have it.

How do i continue? i beat the wolf, he got hired, but now its just saying that blade got used to fucking us, and that traps has a blog. I keep fighting the wolf but nothing happens after I win

Not going to lie to you. I thought you got hit with the famous nintendo stop or die destitute. So it coming back at all is a miracle. However i do have to ask. Are you still planning on doing a mobile/android version or is it just pc?

Can you find out? Cause its starting to grate on peoples nerves since they see yall updating this  while its been over a year on godhood and anytime people bring it up it gets brushed off.

Unfortunately it wont be in limbo. Youll see the account disappear from public eye and te money will enter some patreon employees pocket. Prob the one who started this whole thing

Its illegal. at least in the us. I would look into it. 

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"Ok guys, I have a huge announcement for you. After many thoughts, I've decided to stop EFW, at least the way it is now."

"Raising money for a new vn!"

No offense meant, but if your unable to complete a project your already working on, why should we offer money for a new project that might get the same treatment? I don't mean this in a rude way, but from an investing standpoint you would be a high risk investment.

Im not saying your content isn't good, nor am I saying I wouldn't fund it. However I am wary of funding even someone's whose work I enjoyed in the past, when they show a history of abandoning projects. 

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Yet another game i would love to play that looks like it should be on mobile but isnt

I have been. Guys just a no show. 

Must not be in the current pub version then. I can't get him to spawn after 30 something midnights. Though I guess its also a little barebones as the mods with it as a fetish you can't bang anyways so I guess im just stuck waiting.

How do i unlock mpreg? I have finished the rat story and am waiting to meet the guy at midnight (guessing not it yet) but i havent figured out how to trigger the unlock. And the stats app wont let me either

And another one bites the dust. The self insert was the thing that made me want to play the game. Dont enjoy VNs with named protags.

With the last update (as of this topic being created) being January 7th, over 10 months ago, the dev not replying to anyone on this page or the discord. They are only updating that ramen game and ignoring us. I'm calling it. The games dead. Ill hope to see updates but... I'm not counting on it. So upsetting especially since the dev mentioned we were getting an android version at some point.

Looks like the decision to turn a free game to paid is biting you in the ass.

Joiplay doesn't work for me. Apk or nothin unfortunately. Yet another game i have to drop

Idk about them but it didn't for me T_T

I hope the fact you closed the discord means faster updates. Otherwise I'd rather have it back

I did not intend for it to get out of hand at all. It is because of said other games wasting space on the site I'm getting tired of seeing em. Especially when they take money without having even so much as a demo. While this dev did give one eventually after shutting down patreon payments till they come back a lot of em don't. it is one of the reasons I believe that such requirements are needed. I understand the advertising and update aspect however unlike preordering a game (to use your example) there is no guarantees of a project, refund if said project fails or worse was fake, or really any repercussions at all for taking the money and running. By requiring a demo at least those who spend money would get something if the dev decides to stop. The only other option that i foresee stopping this would be to ban other methods of the dev gaining money for the project except through itch itself with severe consequences. I see major backlash for this decision though hence the preference for the demo method. I do agree. I don't have any game programming experience, though I have written storylines and various quest info for a friends jrpg and its sequel. I don't believe that counts though. As for my intense response the person earlier today it was because they brought up facts unrelated to the argument entirely based on their own assumption without any facts to back it up. I could care less about the porn aspect. I was following for the fact they plan to make it with major focus on the originals gameplay mechanics, the fact they planned on it being free, and the fact that itch suggested it based on another dev I liked whose taste In games I trust. Not to mention the insults they brought to the argument suggest ableist, sanist, and/or Eugenics beliefs that are a step too far even for me. I am not pissed at the dev (mainly their responses but we have both accepted we went to far.) I even left the conversation without responding to many of the people trying to goad me back and get me banned again. Including a rather racist bigot who recognized my name on a message board and went far enough to receive an ip ban over there over this. I've even tried to at least explain my reasoning using logic instead of emotions and people still assume I'm being rude still. Maybe my phrasing off? Thoughts for later. As for the free time thing. My jobs require me to finish whatever I'm working on before I can go on break. The means my breaks can be at anytime of day except when I'm asleep... which also changes based on the project deadline. I load on to itch to check updates on the games I follow and see I got replies which I read even if I don't respond. this post wasn't even intended as an insult or criticism originally, but a genuine question considering what's Been going on on itch. I only responded so rudely after said question got nothing but insults from the dev. So I do apologize for how bad it got. Btw why do people think death threats are an appropriate go to for this topic? I've gotten a few from people hunting me down on other sites including a rather graphic one including what they would do to my nephew over my corpse.

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It had nothing to do with it being a porn game asshole. Not once did I mention that. Apparently someone has dicks on the mind. My arguments were about the fact the page had no demo... on a site that is in the middle of developers dropping projects and wasting the space, and the fact that the devs first response to criticism was insults. While ill admit the argument got out of hand, I still stand by the fact that itch should have a rule requiring demos. Preferably with updates within a certain timeframe to stay on the site until the game is out of development. That last one is unlikely however. Also you entering a clearly over argument with insults and facts unrelated to the mentioned argument, directed at a person who clearly returns vitriol with vitriol says a lot about your comprehension abilities. Actually as I type that I realize if that's the case I should use smaller words. I wasn't going to come back to this argument considering it was over but oblivion take us someone had to come in with more insults then even I threw out. Including a few that might get ya banned from the site with today's pc culture.

Im asking for basic quality control. Also I dont see you telling the same thing to the dev who started with the childish behavior. 

Its them insulting and calling names yet again. I really don't see why people are supporting this guy when his first reaction to critique is insulting the other person. Especially now that their abandoning their project.

It devolved into childish banter the moment the dev started insulting. At this point ill stop when their either banned from the site. Or the site itself is shut down. Whichever comes first.

says the guy who keeps replying. What happened to not having time to dev? Also look who suddenly released a demo after saying it wasn't near ready.

How is that an l? Your getting down voted by your fan base without my help. Even if I'm getting more of em it goes to show that some of em agree with me. Especially since you have admitted you won't be finishing this project of yours.

Whats actually funny is the fact I haven't been XD. That's all on others. I've just been responding to people.

The books are unfortunately self published in paperback in my hometown using my grandparents book binder. If you can find a copy let me know cause they made it a lot farther then I thought since I only know of 5 cities in about 100 miles (160 km for those across the pond) radius  that keep em in stock. The Blood Moon legacy. Bout an elemental shaman working a farm. (Not to be confused with blood legacy, a  cultivation novel i found out exist from others who have asked in the past XD it also started my wuxia phase after I read it to make sure I didn't accidentally steal someone's idea) As for the argument ill admit it got out of hand. Though that's more cause I'm A big believer in returning what you receive twofold. Kindness for kindness, insults for insults, broken limbs for broken limbs. It was originally started because I've noticed a trend of devs taking money and not finishing projects and here was a recommended one that didn't even have a demo or anything but a link to discord. So I mentioned that itch needs to have a requirement of a demo for a page to be created as assurance that you would get something. No insults (originally) until the dev came in pitching a fit and insulting me. I won't stand for that especially when I didn't start with anything insulting. It felt like brining up a topic just to be punched in that face for speaking. Your English is fine. Its a hard language for native speakers let alone someone trying to learn it. Especially with different slang and sayings depending on where you live changing the meaning of something.

Actually I was pointing out that itch Needs posting requirements now that so many devs have been taking money and not finishing their projects. Your the one who came in spitting insults right and left. All I did was return vitriol with vitriol doubling the amount i recieved before sending it back.So if anyone has issues its you for assuming. Also months? Then how the hell do you not have a working demo? Btw if you expect to make it in the game dev business my reactions to your responses are fairly tame from what it can be. Especially with you making a parody game that may others have made as well.