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Woestyn Wolf

A member registered Dec 05, 2021

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No problem, you deserve the praise and I'll definitely wait for it. Excited to see what happens next and maybe I might even jump into patreon and give you some more support. All the best and good luck with all your future projects.

Absolutely stunning game, took me by surprise and loved every moment. Apologies for not signing up for patreon know the support helps a lot, I stopped signing up since so many projects get cancelled midway. However if you later add a price tag I would be happy to pay good money for this game closer to a release.

TD13 great game so far, loving the art style (possibly my favorite I've seen in any visual novel adult or other) and the fact you can play thus far and have the option to avoid some of the content. You're not really forced into anything and I enjoy the freedom to choose. Apologies for not donating, but when you complete the game I'd be happy to pay good money for this.