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A member registered Sep 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is so well executed in its atmosphere and gameplay, I wish there was a way to just get more of this game somehow. Like, more table item types, longer matches, multiplayer, and different gun types, endless high score mode, etc.

This has so much potential to expand.

UploadVR showcase brought me here. The presentation quality on this is amazing, I hope for an actually decent length game that I can play on PCVR, cause I am very interested.

I'm not using a steam deck, I'm using a laptop with EndeavourOS, but I am using KDE Plasma the way steam deck does so if it's a desktop compositor issue it makes sense I would have it too.

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I think the only game ever other than this to nail video game swordfighting this hard is Nidhogg, excellent game.

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Deleting steam_appid.txt did not work.

Edit: Deleting the steam_appid.txt in the directory and then forcing compatibility to "Steam Linux Runtime" got me as far as the title showing up before the blue sky does in the main menu where the music starts playing and then the game freezes and crashes. The game plays just fine if I just click the crosscode executable in the linux dolphin file browser, it's specifically when I try to run it through steam that stuff screws up.

The reason it's important that I can run this through steam is because having the steam overlay gives me access to steam input for my controllers, it's not just a matter of wanting to hit shift tab to chat with my buddies. So this is a pretty significant issue.

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I assume some kind of antipiracy measures are mistakenly kicking in; I'm using the version I got through the Ukraine bundle. Now I have an entry in my steam library that says "purchase" instead of "play" and it's a permanent part of my steam library. When I try and run the linux executable as a non steam game, I just get a black screen and then it exits, but when I try and use it as a standalone executable file by opening it in the dolphin file browser on KDE, the game works fine. Is there some way to get around this that doesn't involve buying the game twice? I just wanted to use the Steam overlay with my copy.

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Could we get an update where it adds "requires gesture toggle button to lock"? It's cool that I can set it up to only UNLOCK when I press a button, but I'd like to do that vice versa too since I keep closing the thing with accidental hand movements when I don't mean to.