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A member registered Dec 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice entry(Very Funny title by the way)

I'm amazed by the assets your team made. All very detailed for such a short time frame. I did not encounter any bugs. I was initially confused by the mini games but picked it up eventually. I like that there were mini games to prevent the sub from crashing but it should be more clear what to do.  I was also confused by (What I assume was) the ending.  I think the idea is we made it to the bottom to see the titanic but it wasn't clear that the game was over. Maybe add some text or something.

All in all, great submission

Wow, this was clearly well made with a lot of attention to detail. High ratings for me. Unfortunately I'm a doofus and couldn't make it through the 3rd level. The difficulty shot up immediately. I was excited to see where it was going. If this was ever worked on more, I'd find a way to give hints to the players that need it.