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A member registered Oct 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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you have to click her before she leaves

theres no rush dude, love your work and hope your doing okay!

ah fair enough, well thank you for the reply and i am super excited for future updates!

incredible game however the quality in the sadie scenes is incredible compared to all the others, were the sadie scenes done by a different artist and if so will the older scenes get redraw

heya honestly in the same boat as everyone else where stuckk on 20/20/20 can someone send me a 100% file plz, sorry for the bother discord ; wilfre#5134

heya just curious before i buy is it straight content or gay content or a bit of both?

its really fun i enjoyed finding all the secrets, maybe a bit off dirty talk would be nice but appart from that a solid game

I played this early on patreon and i have got to say this in an amazing update, love the clothing options!

Take as much time as you need, i dont know why some people are so push also completed the game a few weeks aggo and i have to say an amazing game, there is clearly alot of passion put into this project!