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A member registered May 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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fym his xD syhata is a girl xDD

just run backwards lol you have enough time

not how it works

cant wait to see it :D

what about a discord server? :v

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yet ill try it everywhere to break the game 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

perhaps you had the full version then updated it with the demo version

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using "ResetMainMission" on the first boss causes it to be frozen in place after respawning it, only moves after getting poundet by it, doin "ResetMainMission" again in the room then running to the front door where it triggers the event causes a softlock

woah they want us to pay monthly in Ci-en and fantia ~(>_<~)

man im glad to be one of the lucky ones to have an itch original ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

its fixed :P

Bug report: at the first boss the zombies glitch out when standing behind them!

or could go with a glitch, didnt checked if its fixed then i could tripple the number xD


just shoot till its dead lol

nice attention that the horse gives, but i honestly thought it gives a bit more ml of sperm xD

but its just female soldiers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i see some ideas with em already ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

adorable little touch at the end :D

all we gotta do to fix it is by typing in the console command "ResetMainMission" save and reload, and its fixed

and its stated in the description of the game here xDD a bit readin lazy as we all are xD "New boss (The boss is not completed yet. We are currently recruiting action modes for the boss)"

already seeing its a common problem, android version is missing the boss, and circled in is a smal invisible box, even rain drops on it showing the box

POG one step closer to full release

Happend in the first Fight we have with Glace after using celestian power and Za Wardo by attacking witj normal light attack

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by simply sucking the door, thats what causes the bug

not how it works

yes it is


as the creator sayd you can get it in


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you can attack while she is crouched, works the same as standing while you just hold down

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Reporting a Bug

here how i got it

1. Get tentacle eggs

2. Give birth in front of the tentacle Door

3. Suck open the door

4. just stand in the hatched tentacle

You can rise up the number how often you got vaginally fucked to 100 in 5min (works with bug eggs too)

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love the animations and gameplay, i thought out to support you, cant wait on future updates

Great game and i love the artstyle but perhaps give some health penalty for the hole tentical, otherwise that can be fucked forever (ಠ_ಠ)

Great game, was fun getting the hard part at the start away and every lewd scene, cannot wait for the next update <3

sad i would love to see all the plushies :D

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got em all OwO so cute but it looks like four plushies are missing :[

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Found an Intresting Bug