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A member registered May 19, 2020

Recent community posts

RELEASE THE GAME. NOW! lol I'm just very hyped up by this game, the atmosphere is fantatic, so just ship the full game man, its a bomb.

To be honest, at the first look I thought this was dumb. But I am starting to realize that this could be turned into something greater. the concept isn't so bad. When moving around though, you could add the visual of the player actually walking around to open a door or pick up something. Please extend this game further, I loved the demo and am looking forward to play the whole game!

Can you please tell me the way to lower the graphics and resolution so that I can run it on my pc?

What are the pc requirements for this game?

Too bad, I'm on Windows. Anyways, thanks for the info.

Can you kindly tell me the requiremenst for this game?

what are the minimum requirements for this game?