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A member registered May 01, 2021

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Yeah, it's pretty easy to go find accent videos for all of their birth countries. The simplest option would be going to YouTube to listen to videos from Finnish people(Mikko, Lake, and Arvo), Norwegian people(Rune, Bj酶rn, Klaus, Torulf, and J酶rgen), and the Americans(Devon and Travis)

You can also go, if you so desire, to IDEA (International Dialects of English Archive) and use their data base to find accents for specific states, countries, and areas in an academic setting meant to capture specific sounds and create references for people like actors and linguists.

Aghhhhhhhhh I feel like we got some resolution in this update, but... 



















I want them back where they belong. 馃ズ I feel like we are so close. 

I love bj酶rn, lol.

Y'all... I was just listening to sign crushes motorist. I found a song that totally fits Mikko and his feelings towards Arvo. Maybe even their feelings towards eachother. Definitely, actually... If you're interested, look up, "loser monologue" by him

I love it except Tom isn't there and I take personal offense to that seeing as he's MY favorite from socially awkward.  =~= /J mostly

Kinda silly, but it says it's a Patreon build at the beginning 馃き lol. Just an fyi.

Happy new years! Super excited to play this update! Love the tone you bring to this route!

Bro just posted an art piece with the caption, "Happy Holidays from the PsyCon crew. The boys are excited to get back to school and get things back on track, but until then, enjoy this festive piece done by the lovely @Mustache_Mutt"

Psychic connections back on the menu, boys!

"Dawn Chorus" by Thom Yorke gets mentioned by a couple characters if I recall correctly. 

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Halloween special is 馃  fantastic.  

I just can't wait for my man to get a slice of that cake in the actual canon.


For sure. It's giving existential Autumn for me. Even in Utah where I currently reside like...the Autumn and the streets... the neighborhoods... the people and stuff really comes alive with this vibe.  (just looked it up turns out that Utah isn't part of the Midwest... I thought it was.  That's my bad... I'm almost to the Midwest...) but that just means we can be west/Midwest buddies!

Also... Out like a light two is soooooo gooooood. I love that song and the original version as well *High fives long distance.*

And, oh my gosh, same

 I live in the Midwest too. So... Midwest besties ig

Also, some of the covers are good, but they'll never beat the original LP

Honestly. I was just listening to the remaster today while working out. So goooooood

It's 5 days. There is more content coming for everyone.

My only complaint with Bj酶rn's route is the couple inconsistencies. Like... I'm just a little confused. That being said, Devon and him are my favorite routes, so... Loved it. A tad confused on which facts to listen to, but still love it.

If I recall correctly, it's been confirmed that Travis will not have a route.

Oh, also this recent play through of Bj酶rn made me think of a song. "Dopamine," by Mehro

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I really LOVED the new Bj酶rn update. I'm still a little confused about the continuity of his story line because it flip flops on facts a few times, but he's probably my favorite out of the bunch. Him and DEVON 馃ズ Probs cause I relate to them a lot. Anyway, It was absolutely LOVELY. I'll probably go play it again tbh...

Righttttt?!??!?! Devon is one of my favorites!!! Plus, he deserves so much love. The kind of love my boy Arvo can  give him. 馃槫

Thank you 馃檹 馃檹 馃檹

Y'all... I can delete old apks, right?

I've been listening a lot to an artist by the name of i don't like mirrors. It reminds me of the music in Dawn Chorus. I suggest him for anyone looking for good music reminiscent of the game. 

Keo said that he was having a really hard time writing the next portion of Klaus's story and that he wouldn't feel right releasing when he didn't feel it was ready. You can scroll back in a few of the posts and find it. It's pretty far back though, if I recall 

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I feel like Devon would listen to Pinegrove. 

Like... "Aphasia," by them or maybe, "Need." Or, "Need 2."

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Erik satie.

And, in relation to Debussy, "The girl with the flaxen hair"

Interesting take! This is why I'm doing both, because Devon is a tricky character. I'm not sure which one is going to help him the most and which one is going to push him away further. My worry is that the getting involved will cause him to run away seeing as he hasn't even made the decision yet.

Personally, I think that the not interfere option is the way to go just based on what we know about Devon and his back story, but I suppose we'll see in the coming updates. Thanks for your response!

I'm dead. Laughing my literally ass off. That's funny. Copy that.

Lol. I'm doing both just to see the differences, but my true choice is the let it be. I just feel like it's what he needs as a character. For arvo to be there for him in a non pressured way where he doesn't feel like he has to hightail it on out of there. 

He really is a great character. It remains to be seen. I'm excited to see the differences between both branches.

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Yaaaaaas. Same here. Especially because in some ways, that's what his ex did to him... Tried to force him to do something when he wasn't ready.

I want to know y'all's thoughts...

Did you choose to try and convince Devon to stay or did you  choose not to get involved? If you answer, and you feel so inclined, tell me why. 

Yeah, pretty much, lol. Though Torulf's route just makes me angry. Makes me wanna go fight someone. 馃挭

Thanks for the heads up!!! I appreciate it!! I still haven't mustered the courage to play it, but maybe knowing it's got a good end will help!!

Damn... Hah! You have a point! I guess I'll bite the bullet for the art. Thanks for your response. 

I need somebody to tell me if the Devon route update is going to make me depressed, because I can only handle so much sadge rn, and that will determine if I play now or later.

Realest statement ever. Ty es my favorite

Oh, coooool!! That makes much more sense! Thanks so much, Grizz!!! I always appreciate that you're active on your page!!!

Yeah, buddy... That's where the password comes in. If you need a hint I'm sure anyone of us would be willing to provide it, but we need to know what you've done/tried already.

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You misunderstand me... I fixed my original statement so it wasn't misleading... I apologize for the confusion.

At the end of Sal's route he calls her Mrs. Sinclair. Roswell's last name is Sinclair, yeah? But we know from the main story that Oswin is Roswell's biological father and not his uncle like we were led to believe... So, I'm confused as to how Flora works into it, and if I misunderstood their relationship.