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A member registered Dec 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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I found a glitch that enables wall climbing.

Wall climb left: go to the right side of a wall, and spam left key and up key.

Wall climb right: go to the left side of a wall, and hold right, then spam left key and up key.

Enemies. It’s always fun to have challenges, and by enemies, I don’t only mean like player enemies, I mean like spikes or lava pool.

YES! Grappling Gun is always fun. I’ve been trying to make something like that for my game as well. Making grappling gun is hard.

(1 edit)

I seem to have found a bug.
If you click "How to play?" and then click "Back." it doesnt work!

Other than that, the game itself is pretty fun!!

Also, how do you change to 3rd person view?
And, if i may, the addition of levels or enemies would be really interesting.

Wow! This game is actually great!
I really had fun messing around there!
It just needs more visually appealing background scene; other than that, this game is really epic and fun.

Seems interesting but i can't run the game.
I think it's because im on 32-bit operating system.

If you could, could you export your project as a 32-bit OS?

Haha! Nice!
I like the ending.

The game is good and has a good future with just a bit more additions like a maze or enemies.

Overall, it is a nice game.

Oh and I was facing an issue with the mouse sensitivity; I don't think that mouse sensitivity needs to be increased; I think the issue is of which type of computer the person playing has, so people with low end computers will have very low sensitivity, while people with high end computers will have a very high sensitivity.

If I may, I would suggest using your engine's fps in a way for the games sensitivity to be same in all computers.

But overeall, I really liked your game and hope to see it be even better in the coming future.

Simple and straight forward.

Though I would like to see the full release with all kinds of levels.
It seems very fun and interesting.

Eventhough it is only a little game,
It's fun and challenging at the same time.

While jumping on the blocks, the surface of the blocks and the ground is the same, so it gets pretty hard.

The game seems interesting,
but I can't run the game!

I think it's because i have 32-bit operating system;
if you could, could you export your project as a 32-bit OS as well?

Great game!

Though I can't get past 10... XD
Your games are pretty nice.

Thank you for your feedback @PeterDrawsStuff .

This is my first time making a first person shooter game, so I'm figuring out all the things possible.
And  thank you for the tips. I really appreciate it, and will take into account.