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A member registered 15 days ago

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(4 edits)

it wont load

but you all already know he is and AMAZING programmer :3

btw i think this is my fav game ever and after this its kit to leader and after that its over borders, so my top three fav games are from mossy, and what im trying to say is that mossy is an AMAZING programmer, also im very critical so its special im saying this, i really love these games!!!


how do i become apprentice?

how do you become apprentice?

i cant become apprentice there keeps coming: ''Me when--- When I--''

i still cant become an apprentice, is the med apprenticed not finished or something????


(1 edit)

what rogue?

same XD

noooooooooooooooo! i love that you can sense everything and that its black! blurry gives me headaches


i played it again and it worked! i am no longer stuck! :D

my computer is stuck three days now but atleast i can play games again, im still trying to find a way to turn off my computer 

on phone its free why not on pc?

i think i found some kind of bug: i brought amberstar to gorsefur and clicked on her but now im stuck... i cant leave the game or turn off my pc! not ever with the button on my computer!

OMG I LOVE THIS GAME!!! mostly that like jayfeather you still can sence everything around while ur blind!!!! i really love the game and i cant wait for it to be finished *plays beginning 100 times again lol*