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A member registered Dec 02, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the video! That is very strange. :/ I've not seen it do anything like that before. We'll see if we can figure out what might be happening for you. 

Could you tell me the version number that you are running? It will show up in the top right of the title screen.

Nice game! I enjoyed figuring out solutions to the puzzle and liked that there was a bonus coin and just passing the level to give a selective level of difficulty to the player. 

Liked the way that the pieces connected to form up your ship. That was fun!

Fun little game and gorgeous artwork!

Fun and tricky game! I didn't hear any music on my version and that would've really added to the atmosphere.

Great setting and well designed game! 

Bonus points for putting not-fun facts on the game page :'(

I liked the way you changed shapes to catch the different shapes!

I like the way you used the theme and that the levels get smaller with fewer jumps. Good job!

Great job! Loved the way the mechanic and music worked together. 

This was a lot of fun! Loved the humor! 

Creative idea! One of the first things that comes to mind from 3..2..1 is the cinema and it was well done to create a game around it. 

Good job with the puzzle game!

Appreciate the title and the disguises!

Interesting idea! I like the way your character bounces around.

Creative jump mechanic idea! Great work!


Creative idea with the numbers!

Definitely a creative adaptation of the theme and well made game! 

Tricky game! I liked the way you animated the powering up of the jumps. 

There are a few of us that made 3..2..1.. jump games and it's fun to see the different ideas we all came up with. Good work!

I had fun trying your game out! Here is my team's submission:

Characters are really cute and the abilities are fun! I didn't have anyone free to play around so I just had to fight left vs right hand. (Left hand won with square) 

Thank you! I had a lot of fun working on the sounds and music for this game :D 

Very challenging! Once I figured out how to use the short jumps to shimmy around I started getting a bit more comfortable with it. But when I fell a couple of screens I gave up ><!

Like the idea. It's funny though that the three jump is the weakest one. Did you try how it felt when the power was in reverse? 

Well made game! Art and gameplay is solid. Nice long tutorial. Definitely kept me engaged and trying to get resources. 

Cute idea! Ending was definitely a shift :D 

Agree with others on the font, found myself squinting a bit. 

Fun idea! When those 0 robots showed up that was quite annoying!!

Good art theme and creative use of 3..2..1. 

Ready for the horror game remake ;) 

Hi there! Have you tried installing using the itch app?

This app should help keep things up to date and make sure the application can run properly. I just tested downloading using it and it seemed to work.

An alternative to try: Sometimes Mac security controls will stop apps that it doesn't recognize from running. You can try holding the control key and selecting open from the menu. This should give you an option to open the application directly.

I hope one of these solutions resolves the problem for you!

Lots of fun and interesting mix of games. I learned to hate the owl that would switch right before the ball would hit my paddle! Music and art style is :chefs-kiss:

I like the mechanics with the two phases. The sounds and graphic aesthetics are cool too.

Great work! Very intuitive to figure out how to play.