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Whatever that is

A member registered Jul 08, 2023

Recent community posts

Jashin chan Can you make Syahata pregnant, apart from getting pregnant with flies and spiders?

Can you make Syahata pregnant with dogs, or other enemies except laying eggs?

But when pregnant with other monsters except monsters that lay eggs, the pregnancy takes quite a long time or is gradual, can you create a system like that?

And a little suggestion, maybe Jashin Chan can look for someone or an employee to help with the game making process, so that the game making process can be better and faster.

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Jashin chan I have a request, can you make a fat zombie character with a big dick?

But not as a boss, but as an ordinary enemy, like an ordinary zombie, but with a fat body and a big dick.

Oh one more thing, I hope the enemy's enemy can do a gangbang combination.

Like parasite city馃槄

I think it's a great idea馃榿

(1 edit)

I want all the monsters (including the big monsters too) to have a gangbang scene.

Dear Syahata, I want to give input, for each monster has its own ganbang scene.

thank you for reading

And you said in June you'd add character Centaurs, dark elves, and spiders, but why can't I find those characters? Haven't worked on it yet?

Yoi wkwkw

And can you give different types of dick like, cow dick, dog dick, horse dick, chicken dick, etc., to put on the main character

Can you add characters faster? I'm really looking forward to the sex scenes for each character, I will always support you mofu.