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A member registered Jun 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Though I do like the story of your game as It's cute and wholesome.

any as Gamejolt link is null and cloudnovel links is broken.

(1 edit)

I am looking forward to the next update. Finding the original is a royal ass as it looks like the original author took it down. Why have the link if it leads to no where. All the links on Mairusu's vids are broken, duds. 

Can you look into making a windows version? It's not loading correctly on my Cell phone.

It does not look the same as the demo.

I like the demo version over the complete version on steam as the Building and the Characters are more closer to a type of dating sim that is simple and closer to an actual Japanese school building. It be more appreciated if you can make the main version like the demo version it be more proper and more closer to a typical romance sim with normal schoolkid hair jobs

Are you planning on placing the Demo on steam as well?

It's the 0.5.5 version that have the change on the boarded cafeteria challenge that requires the crowbar.

Though, the older versions that is prior to the boarded door challenge at the Mess Hall(Cafeteria) is good for people with slower reaction timing(that can't be helped). Which version that is prior to the effect?

Personally, I like the 8.2 version because of the useable lockers in classroom. Though I do suggest about improving the interaction function. Combining E&F keys so doors, lockers, cabinets, gathering keys, gathering tools and removing bolts, lastly, pushing the Yandere to the ground like a old school boy, and killing the Yandere with the knife can be interacted with one key function. The Crowbar do not remove bolts only a wrench can. By combing the interaction key function, reaction timing will improve.

Is there a Windows variant that don't require APK file?

Steam has it as well

I remember it used to be Free to play on Steam.

Have you ever thought of putting your game on Steam? Also, I kinda missed the useable lockers in classroom. Also, the school layout reminds me of a standard American high school due to the lockers in the Hallway. In Japanese schools, the only lockers is in Gym changing rooms and class rooms. Yet, there is Class A, B, C, and D on two floors.