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A member registered Apr 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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I do try to do male and female equivalent hairstyles when I add them. I do regret arbitrarily separating the two genders now. I know it's important for some people to blur the boundaries. Someone else suggested making the facial hair available for the female body type and that might be more doable.

I've never bothered with pips or wrist braids beyond a basic shape as the minis are so tiny you can't really se them anyway.

I'll be adding Klingons and Romulans soonish. As for the rest, I'm not sure. It's primarily intended to make Starfleet characters, but I won't say no :)

They are actually on the to-do list right after Klingons and Romulans but, as you say, it's a lot of work so might be a while.

Art-wise, I'm keeping it me-only, I'm afraid. My art isn't great but it is, at least consistent. :)

Romulans and Klingons are being added very soon but I think Cardassians would be a very welcome addition too. Civilian clothing gets a bit obtuse but I could add a few options, I suppose.