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Warping Realities

A member registered Jun 09, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you :)

Yes, I'm still working on the game, but after I have switched to the Godot game engine updates will be slower to come out.

Once you are out of the basement area there are no goal other than have a look around and play around with the items.

Thank you so much :)

I will see if I can have both forums and comment section on the page.

If you would like to play the SteamVR version on the Oculus Quest 2, you will have to connect the Quest to your PC, either wired using the USB C port on the headset or wirelessly using either AirLink or Virtual Desktop. Once you are connected you can start the game and it should open SteamVR if it is not already.  Alternatively, you can download the Oculus Rift build and open it without SteamVR once you have connected the headset.

Please let me know if the game worked on your VR setup. Please detail what VR headset you are using and if the game runs smoothly with your hardware configuration. Include you CPU, GPU and RAM configuration if you wish.

I tried it out on my Vive and it works fine. You should add it to Inputs, so it's easier to find for Vive users.