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A member registered Jul 11, 2018 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

i wish its free .. * look sad and walk away 

do you have more

pls make more 

wow so cute

oh my god ....

cool i hope there is a sex scene

wow .. do have more 

wow so cool 

i wish it is free 

ok i understand thanks for telling me

need to fix the inventory i can't i get the items what i need when i try to do my crafting in the crafting menu

when's the next update

is there a new full version of this

can  Zed and nasir route will be available?  i need to see what well what happened

more more pls more 

oh no that's so long.... i cannot wait that long

are they going to have a new version or the new update

are you still going to make the full version

when is the update or the new full version...i hope it's coming soon because i really want to continue what happening to this story

that's so long....!  i can't wait that long !?  oh man oh well  

when's the new full version

i wish it well be free to play 

when's the next version coming out i want to continue playing this game

i want more .. i need to play more pls 

wownew update on this game is so beautiful... more pls 

pls more pls

i like to see more and i like to play more  so pls do stop make more update on the game

i love that game .. i wanted to play more and more pls  make more of that 

i can't wait for the next update on this  game of yours i'm excited to see what happens to everyone character story