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A member registered Aug 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah, the game is absolutely not finished

I really like the demo ! Can't wait the final release (or at least the early access)

Sadly it doesn't work

Tested with my phone and with Bluestack

I really like it ! It's just a bit hard to fire with left click 

With all the M(W?)ario at a momen it became crazy and fantastic

I don't know why, but I spend most of time play with physics by throw object than actually play the game

Both are goods

I really like the idea ! With more levels it could be better

But I found with the combination Rake + spring + rake you can easily beat the 3 levels

Argh damn, maybe if you desactivate you'te anti-virus or whitelist the game ? 

And thanks ! ^^

The "pop in rythme" was absolutly not intentional ^^' It was the first time I created a spawner so yeah there are many things to improve and fix but thanks for your commentary ! I'll keep your idea for the future

Thanks for your little review, about the game breaker I knew it but did'nt have enough time and skills to fix it. I will continue to develop this game in the future and hope it will be a good game

It's my third jam but yeah, i'm a bit nervous too. But don't worry ! It's a really good experience and be just happy to your work ^^